kris and asriel's bedroom

the childhood bedroom of kris and asriel dreemurr. the floor below you is a lovely orange carpet that feels soft and plush under your feet. in the center of the room is an olive colored rug with the dreemurr family crest, the "delta rune", emblazoned on it.

entering from the doorway, you see two reasonably sized beds, one to your left and one to your right. the bed on the left is neatly made, with a green comforter, and overhead are shelves containing trophies with the name "asriel dreemurr" on them. the nightstand next to it is topped with a lamp and an alarm clock, though you don't think it's been used in some time. underneath the bed, you spy a handful of video game consoles in boxes, as well as some old CDs and cassette tapes likely once listened to by asriel.

on the right side of the room, you see a much messier bed with a blue comforter, though it looks fairly recently used. adorning the bed are a collection of plushies, including a blue thing you recognize from a video game and an adorable little penguin. this half of the room seems to mirror the other half, but instead of trophies lining the shelves, you instead see a number of video games. the nightstand on this side also has a lamp resting on it, but instead of an alarm clock you see bottles of pills, a small vial of something, and a few boxes of needles.

turning to face the doorway, you see a computer and desk opposite one of the beds and a small TV on a stand next to it. the TV currently appears to be hooked up to a sega saturn, which sits on top of it. there are two controllers plugged into the console's two slots, though you aren't sure how recently the second controller was used. oddly enough, the player one controller appears to be a knockoff controller, while the player two controller has that familiar SEGA branding on it.

the other corner of the room is much more sparse than the one you just looked at, containing only a combination CD and cassette player with a pair of small attached speakers on top of a small cabinet. inside the cabinet you see rows of CDs and cassettes in various styles, though based on the albums you found underneath the green bed you don't think these albums belong to the same person.

looking back at the door, you feel a strange aura emanating from it. you get the feeling that depending on where you intend to go from here, this door could lead to any number of places.

take door to hallway | take door to ship | take door to castle